Welcome to the NES Service Desk
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To access the Digital, Design & Print, HR Service and Property and Facilities Management desks, please log in.
Featured portals
- Finance Service Desk
Welcome to the NES Finance Service Desk. Please get in touch with any finance or payroll queries
- Requests for Development
For requesting Development for Turas applications and other NES Digital products. Feedback welcome.
This is not for IT Support, which can be found https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/3For Technology Enhanced Learning, Turas Learn content and e-learning enquiries, including Learn admin training go to
https://nesdigital.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/34 - The Knowledge Network
Please get in touch with us here with any queries relating to The Knowledge Network.
- SOAR Service Desk
Scottish Online Appraisal Resource (SOAR) is the tool all doctors in Scotland use to facilitate their annual appraisals and this helpdesk is to support them with any medical appraisal and revalidation queries. This is NOT TurasAppraisal.
- Digital Learning Help
For all technology enhanced learning, Turas Learn content and e-learning enquiries, including Learn admin training
- HR Trainee Services
For all queries related to medical, dental, pharmacy trainees – including recruitment, onboarding, PVG, visa sponsorship and in-employment HR support.
- Turas Service Desk
Please remember this is not the NES (internal) Digital Service Desk.
- SCI-Diabetes Service Desk
Please complete the Change Request form to request “New Development” or “enhancements” to the SCI-Diabetes product
- National Digital Platform
Welcome! You can raise a request for National Digital Platform using the options provided.
Suggested forms
Do not add any required fields into this request type as they will break the Turas support widget
Payroll queries can't be handled over the phone due to the need for ID checks - the quickest way of resolving payroll issues is to submit a ticket via this helpdesk.
When submitting your ticket, you'll be asked to provide 2 pieces of ID from: your payroll number; date of birth; and NI number.
All helpdesk tickets are screened and prioritised and we aim to respond to urgent queries within 1 working day and routine queries within 3 working days.
Use this option to provide Finance with the weekly / monthly spreadsheet to process Non Staff T&S claims via our link and load interface process.